Kampot Salt Production Sees Record Growth in 2024

Cambodia has achieved a milestone in salt production, with Kampot province leading the charge, producing approximately 130,000 tonnes of geographical indicator (GI) salt in 2024. This record-breaking figure was made possible due to favorable climatic conditions and the recognition of Kampot salt as a GI product in European Union markets.

Bun Narin, President of the Association of GI Kampot-Kep Salt Producers, highlighted the growth: “Salt output in 2024 reached more than 130,000 tonnes, surpassing the 80,000 tonnes produced in 2023.” Narin noted that farmers in Kampot and Kep provinces have fully resumed natural salt production processes, achieving significant yields this year.

Key Facts on Salt Production in Kampot and Kep

  • Production Area: Salt production in Cambodia spans 3,987 hectares, with 3,489 hectares located in Kampot province and the remainder in Kep province.
  • Season: The salt production season typically runs from December to May but can extend into June during prolonged hot weather.
  • Domestic Demand: Cambodia consumes between 70,000 and 100,000 tonnes of salt annually to meet domestic needs.

The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation has been closely monitoring salt fields, with accurate data on production capabilities expected by May. Currently, salt prices range between 10,000 and 12,000 riels ($2.5-$3) per 50 kg sack.

Challenges and Future Prospects

In years with unfavorable weather, such as heavy rainfall, salt production decreases significantly, forcing Cambodia to import salt to meet domestic demand. However, the introduction of GI-tagged Kampot salt has provided an opportunity for international market expansion, fetching higher prices compared to ordinary salt.

In 2023, the Ministry of Commerce officially inaugurated the GI status of Kampot and Kep salt. Following this achievement, the ministry has submitted a proposal to register the product in the EU market, a move expected to further elevate the global recognition and economic potential of Kampot’s salt industry.

Strategic Importance and Conservation Efforts

The government has prioritized the management and conservation of Kampot-Kep’s ancestral salt fields, recognizing their strategic value. Ministries have been tasked with ensuring sustainable production practices and enhancing the industry’s long-term viability. This focus not only preserves a cultural heritage but also strengthens Cambodia’s position as a key player in the global salt market.

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